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What We do for Teens

  • 1. weekly Teen group

    Our ultimate desire is for teens to become fully integrated in the local church. However, we understand the benefit of teens having a place of their own to meet. Therefore, our students meet together every  Tuesday from 6:30 to 8 P.M.  at Family Church for food, fun, fellowship, engaging teaching and activities such as Sword Drills, Apologetics, Debate, and Scripture Exegesis.  

  • 2. Student leadership team

    As teenagers prepare to face the challenges and demands of adulthood, the Student Leadership Team will help equip teens with skills and strategies to become faithful, productive, lifelong followers of our Lord, Jesus Christ. 

    Students ages 16 - 18 who have shown a commitment to spiritual disciplines, high character, and a strong desire to grow in the Lord will be selected to become members of the Student Leadership Team.

    Members of this team will meet monthly to engage in advanced training in the following areas: Scripture exegesis and discussion, service in church ministries, leadership training, outreach planning and implementation, and mentoring opportunities in the Youth Ministry.

  • 3. weekly preaching

    Each Sunday in our 10 A.M. service, we walk through God's Word verse-by-verse with times of practical application for every day living. Preaching has been one of the primary ways the Church, including parents and teens, has been instructed for the last 2,000 years, and it is no different for your teen today.

  • 4. Sunday morning CORE classes

    Core classes will equip those in the church for the works of ministry in practical, tangible ways. Classes take place Sunday mornings from 8:45 to 9:30 and walk through essential topics such as: Theology, Spiritual Disciplines, Apologetics, Dating/Courting, Marriage, Old Testament, New Testament & more.

    We see these classes as vital in equipping the saints here to do the works of ministry. Therefore, parents are strongly encouraged to bring their children & teens to attend these classes to learn how to minister both in and outside of the local church.

  • 5. monthly communion

    We desire for teens to see and be a part of the church of Christ. And, an essential part of following Christ is receiving the Lord's Supper together with the rest of the body of Christ the Lord has brought to Family Church.

    At Family Church, Communion Services take place the first Wednesday of every month at 6:30 P.M. This service is focused primarily on remembering Christ’s death by symbolically partaking of a meal that represents the body and blood of Christ.

    At each communion service we have:

    • corporate worship
    • a special time of prayer
    • and a short message.

Additional Information

God has given 2 primary ways that both must be utilized in the upbringing of teens to become young men & women of God: Those 2 essential tools are:

#1. Parents

#2. The Local Church

Therefore our approach to student ministry is a multifaceted effort to #1 equip parents in their primary role of raising their teens in Godliness and #2 to utilize the resources and giftings of those in our local church. The long term goal of student ministry should be for teens to become fully functional members of a local church walking with the Lord. Therefore, we seek to begin utilizing the tools of the local church that God has given to the teens in their life today. 

This means we must not shelter our teens from the "adult" ministries of the church but instead work to seamlessly incorporate them into the life of the church itself. 

Important Parent Questions

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  • Membership is a requirement to serve in both the children's & student ministry of family church. This means that all those serving in our family ministries are personally known by our church, elders, and staff. To become a member here at Family Church is not simply done by signing a piece of paper or making a general commitment to the church. Becoming a member involves a multi-step process which also includes a sit down formal meeting with a church elder discussing: ones testimony, church background, upbringing, personal struggles, marriage assessment, spiritual maturity, as well as theological assessment, just to name a few. We seek to set a high bar for our volunteers who work with our children!  In fact, between the elders alone here at Family Church we have 14 kids! Sufficeient to say our childrens and youth ministry are a big deal to us in what we do, how we do it, and who teaches and ministers to our children.

    • It is our goal that a minimum of two adult workers will be in attendance at all times when teens are being supervised during programs and activities. We do not allow minors to be alone with one adult on our premises or in any sponsored activity for any reason.
    • Additionally all of our volunteers in our children's & student ministries have undergone the most intensive background check available. These background checks include the following : 

      • SSN Trace
      • Sex Offender Registry Check
      • Global Watchlist Check
      • National Criminal Records Check
      • County Criminal Records Check (Unlimited Counties)
  • If you have any additional questions for us or about our student ministry we would love to touch base with you. 

Upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...